“Our goal is entrenched in the national imperative of empowering the youth especially unemployed graduates against the backdrop of building the foundation for sustainable economic growth as well as the overall development of the country”

– The Farmhouse

The FarmHouse is a comprehensive Agriculture Training, Advocacy and Mentoring programme delivered on an entertainment platform. It’s inception is the culmination of years of hard work by committed Entrepreneurs. The rationale behind the concept is underpinned by multiple factors. However, none was more important than the ‘sense of urgency’ of the impending ‘food insecurity’ in the country as well as the predicament and hopelessness of unemployed Nigerians especially the estimated 500,000 graduates that enter the labour market every year.

Their numbers as a percentage of the total labour market have been experiencing geometric growth as the nation’s population continues to rise. Currently it is estimated at approximately sixty per cent (60%). In our opinion, this is a ticking time-bomb

“It is our objective to stimulate, create awareness and redirect the attention of the youthful population of Nigeria to the tremendous potentials and opportunities in Agriculture using Entertainment as a delivery channel”

We believe there is a major strategic gap in the Agricultural sector. As the Nigerian population continues to grow, the revival and sustainability of the sector becomes even more critical. In addition to the thousands of jobs and wealth that will be created for those enagged, the resurgence of the sector will help the country guarantee Food Security and Fight Hunger.


“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

– Lao Tzu

Our main objective is to identify, train and mentor young Nigerians into becoming successful Agripreneurs. To that end, we hope to:

  • Provide a platform for the creation of over 65,000 Agric-related jobs in five years.
  • Assist and develop young graduates into successful Agripreneurs through the establishment of viable operations in the production and processing of both food and cash crops as well as livestock.
  • Educate participants in the Management, Operational and Administrative functions such as:
    • Modern Farming Methodology – Needed to increase and sustain quality-driven output.
    • Processing and Warehousing
    • Marketing & Distribution
    • Accounting and Book-keeping
    • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    • Management and Maintenance of Farm Equipment
    • Effective use of Farm Inputs such as seeds/stems, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, animal feeds, etc.
    • Leadership and Entrepreneurship


“Vision without action is a daydream Action without vision is a nightmare”

– Japanese proverb

The FarmHouse is an unconventional TV Show unlike any other, the Country has ever seen. The concept has been commended for being:

  • Selfless in its intent
  • Illuminating in its delivery
  • Robust in its determination
  • Steadfast in its resolve to engage what most people and organizations see as a major national ‘crisis’ – Unemployment.

Unlike most other “reality type” shows that are primarily scripted to generate ratings and headlines for the “Tabloid”, The FarmHouse is:

  • Entrenched in the nation’s interest
  • Unique in its traits
  • Value-driven in its goals
  • Embedded in bold ideas
  • Transformational in providing a launch pad for the ‘Modern Agripreneurs’
  • Designed with a strategic intent of creating over 65,000 jobs in five years
  • Piloted by seasoned Entrepreneurs
  • Endorsed by industry experts


“Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing

– Muhammad Ali

Our mindset is primarily focused on ‘value and wealth creation’. The concept of an environment for ‘Entrepreneurship to thrive’ is therefore fundamental to our core. We believe in the strategic vision of mentoring Agripreneurs to harness the advantages of the current ‘gap’ and build for themselves not just successful businesses but also become:

  • Employers of labour
  • A dependable source of food supply for the nation’s rapidly growing population
  • Reliable Suppliers of raw materials to corporations
  • Exporters of processed cash crops
  • A major component for the development of local communities
  • Contributors to the nation’s GDP

Our philosophy is therefore focused on redefining the value of “silent entrepreneurs” such as the “unemployed graduates” who are hamstrung by the absence of opportunities in the face of plenty and limited in their abilities and capabilities because they happen to be part of a system that is plagued with deficiencies.

These unemployed graduates are literarily tagged as ‘non-contributors” to the local and national economy because they have no jobs or purchasing power. They are considered as by-standers in an economy where critical sectors are left dormant and potential growth as well as value-adding activities are being relegated to the back seat.

We stand out amongst many to question the intelligence behind the total neglect of “the unemployed graduate”. A number that is now estimated to be 35 Million Strong. For those that might be interested, that is the equivalent of the population of Ghana and Liberia combined. It does not take much for this REALITY to hit home.